Belonging (in the Hop) Jyll Bradley, DancingStrong Movement Lab & The Hayward Gallery, 2022 Choreographer Adesola Akinleye has created a series of dance performances in response to the Hayward Gallery’s new interactive pavilion, Jyll Bradley’s The Hop. You’re invited to stand and sit at marked places in and around the pavilion to view the performance. Belonging …
Classes & Workshops Classes Peace, Joy & Love Ballet with Dr. Adesola Akinleye || Saturdays 3pm. (Coming Soon!) An online ballet class for after you’ve done the Saturday shopping and before you go out on the town! Make a little room for some love and treat yourself to a graceful and rejuvenating dance session that …
Light Steps takes the children on a 40-minute magical journey using light and colour as a portal through moments in time. American-based scenographer and costume designer Shelby Newport collaborated with Adesola in the making of the work to transport the audience to a colour-filled world of moving dance with live music composed and performed by …
Found explore what connects us to each other and our surroundings, drawing on stories of discovery, exploration and travel. Adrift on their own islands the performers bring audiences are invited into a magical world where connections become visible as soundwaves ripple through bodies and lines and angles converge in new journeys and forms. It is …
Space + Digital + Dance Gonzalo Preciado-Azanza (with Adesola Akinleye), year Back to Movement Labs This work challenges where the human body begins, ends and is present in the digital age. Following the publication of the article Dancing the digital age: a survey of new technologies in the choreographic process ( in the Journal of Genius …
conquering parameters: a scherzo for pandemical times Harry Fulleylove (with Eirini Papantoniou), 2020 Back to Movement Labs A community-dance based, DancingStrong Movement Lab Associate Artist Project. First presented in September 2020 as part of an online programme curated by London Studio Centre’s MA Producing students. The aim for this project was simple – to create …
aGender Helen Kindred & Maga Judd, The aGender Collective, 2020 aGender Collective was formed by dance artists Helen Kindred and Maga Judd in 2019 and forms a platform for their artistic work which is centred around and grows from their roles as mothers, mother-father, dancers, women living and working in London. As dancers and teachers …
The heartbeat of London has been conducted by the rhythm of the tides of the Thames for hundreds and thousands of years. In a global world of connection and separation, the rise and fall of the water whispers stories of Concrete-Water-Flesh: how we are a part of the environments we dwell in. How we respect …
Sharing research and development day at Deptford Reach, December 2020 with artist Andrew Hinton, architecture student Rebecca Faulkner and members of the public. Artwork by Andrew Hinton Back to Main Project View Global Water Dances 2021
(Kindred, 2020) Surrendered developed on the key themes that emerged from …whispers – hovering and letting go, the strength in fragility with others and explored these new conceptual approaches through improvised movement scores in relationship with environments of the shore, where water and earth meet. Concept, scores and movement direction : Helen KindredDancers: Adesola Akinleye, Ofelia Balogun, …