(Akinleye, 2019)
My Fellowship Project at Theatrum Mundi (Phase one February 2019 to December 2019) looked at an emerging lexicon (for movement) that connects to ideas shared across dance-making (choreography), to building/city-making (community).
I am interested in how dance contributes to larger discussions across subject areas that engage with movement in space/time, and in the Place-making that the experience of dance creates. Words such as, rhythm, flow, sensation, are shared vocabulary about moving in space, beyond dance. Words whose meanings differ only slightly but these delicate differences can inform across subject areas and edify the spaces we create together. This articulating and valuing the significance of where Self begins, or ends, or is continuous in environment that dance choreography explores shares inquiry with colleagues in architecture and engineering (see Pallasmaa, 2005; Rasmussen, 1959), social sciences (see Deleuze & Guattari, 1983, 1987; Sennett, 1994), and geography (see Lefebvre, 2004). Sitting in dance and reaching beyond the isolating notion of ‘subject areas’ I look at finding shared spheres of inquiry into the inter-connectedness of Being-in-Place.
Sharing dates:
April 2019 – RA workshop
July 2019 – Street as stage performances (London)