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Here, you’ll find an array of publications from the DancingStrong Movement Lab (DSML) team. Our lab is committed to exploring the intersection of movement, expression, and research. Delve into our collection of articles, research papers, and resources that reflect our passion for advancing the understanding of movement and its various facets. Whether you’re an artist, researcher, or someone simply intrigued by the artistry of motion, we invite you to explore our curated content. Join us in celebrating the rich and diverse world of movement as we share insights, discoveries, and inspirations from the DancingStrong Movement Lab.

Joint Publications

Akinleye, A & Kindred H (2020) Guest Editors to a section of Animated Magazine (People Dancing), Summer 2020, Queering the Somatic
Adesola Akinleye and Helen Kindred. 2019. guest editors. ‘Wright-ing the Somatic: Narrating the Bodily’, special issue Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. vol.11, no.1
Akinleye, A. & Kindred, H. (2018). In-the-Between-ness: Decolonising and re-inhabiting our dancing, in Narratives in Black British dance: embodied practices pp. 65-78. London: Palgrave MacMillian

Dr. Adesola Akinleye

Akinleye, A. (2019). ‘[…] wind in my hair, I feel a part of everywhere […]’: Creating dance for young audiences narrates emplacement, Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, Vol 11, No. 1, pp. 39-47

Akinleye, A. (2019). Play: ‘ideas are statements not of what is or what has been but of acts to be performed’. In J. Bacon, Hilton, R., Kramer, P., and Midgelow, V. (Ed.), Researching (in/as) Motion: A Resource Collection, Artistic Doctorates in Europe: Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki.

Akinleye, Adesola (2018) Issue 8: Movements. in Stuart Hall Foundation Skin Deep, Iss: 8, pp.31 – 38

Akinleye, A. (2018). Border Identities Animated. UK: Foundation for Community Dance. 

Akinleye, A. ed., (2018). Narratives in Black British Dance: Embodied Practices. London: Springer.

Akinleye, Adesola & Rose Payne (2016) Transactional Space: Feedback, critical thinking, and learning dance technique, Journal of Dance Education, Vol.16 Iss: 4, pp.144-148, DOI: 10.1080/15290824.2016.1165821 

Akinleye, Adesola (2016) Narrating Spaces chapter in Brookes, Black Women in Dance: Stepping out of the barriers, Serendipity Artists Movement Ltd,

Akinleye, Adesola (2015) Her life in Movement: Reflections on embodiment as a methodology chapter in Wellard, Ian Researching Embodied Sport: Exploring movement cultures, Routledge, pp.178-196

Nottingham, Paula & Adesola Akinleye (2014) Professional Artefacts: Embodying ideas in work-based learning, Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 4 Iss:1 pp.98 -108

Peter Bryant, Adesola Akinleye & Alan Durrant, (2013) Educating the early career arts professional using a hybrid model of work based learning, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, Vol. 3 Iss: 1, pp.17 – 29

Akinleye, Adesola (2012) Orientation for Communication: embodiment and the language of dance, European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, Vol. 4 Iss: 2 pp.101-112 

Akinleye, Adesola (2008) Geography of the Body, Dance UK issue 70, pp 21

Akinleye, Adesola (2008) Rain Dancing and Sun Dancing: working with refugee children through dance, Animated, Winter 2008

Dr. Helen Kindred

Kindred. H. 2021. ‘Moving Meditations: embodying Bartenieff Fundamentals through sensorial awareness of breath, bones, and gravity’. Journal of Dance, Movement & Spiritualities, Volume 8 Numbers 1 & 2.

Helen Kindred. 2020. ‘Improvisation and Change’, Animated, Summer 2020

KnowingUnknowing CD/DVD/Text. 2019. Benjamin Dwyer | Pete Gomes | Helen Kindred. Published by and available through Farpoint Records